Conversaciones de CRM - Episodio 60 - CX and expanding your business in Latin America
#conversacionesdecrm #cx #latam

March 16, 2021 - 1 PM EST

Together with Esteban Kolsky, SAP Chief Evangelist CX, and Craig Dempsey, Managing Director of Biz Latam Hub, we will discuss the CX challenges and opportunities for industries that are now expanding in Latin America and those who are now entering the region.

1. Trends
2. The importance of BPO and companies to expand beyond traditional operations into operations that truly add value
3. How tech companies vs brick-and-mortal are adapting to the pandemic
4. What industries do we see expanding in Latin America from fintech to food delivery
5. The challenges of multinational companies doing business in the region using collaboration solutions from call centers to development center, especially when the employees are working from home

#sapcx #customerexperience #cx2advisory #bizlatamhub