
The Evolution of CRM: Artificial Intelligence, No-Code and Platforms

Cameron Marsh, Senior Analyst at Nucleus Research, returns to #tomandocafeconjesushoyos to discuss the recent innovation on #crm around Artificial Intelligence, No-Code and Platforms. We discussed the realities of the cost to implement AI, the use of No-Code to save money, and the use of platforms to manage the customer engagement. Some of the vendors to make reference to are: Zoho, Zendesk, Salesforce, ServiceNow and HubSpot.


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Solvis Consulting: https://www.solvisconsulting.com/

CX2Advisory: https://www.cx2advisory.com/

Key Topics
🧠 The evolution of CRM involves the use of artificial intelligence to gather and analyze data from various sources, revolutionizing the way businesses manage their customer relationships.

🤖 AI technology should not sacrifice the quality of customer interactions for the sake of productivity, as losing a customer due to a bad experience is more expensive than the technology itself.

🤖 Zendesk's' unique approach to AI agents only charging when they can automatically resolve a ticket with zero customer interaction is a game-changer in the CRM industry.

📊 Companies in Latin America are expected to be fully immersed in AI with real financial investments by 2027, indicating a rapid adoption of AI technology in the region.

🧠 The success of AI depends on the quality and consistency of the data it learns from, making a single platform for data integration crucial for optimal performance.

📊 Data consistency and accessibility are crucial for making data actionable and driving next best action marketing and sales.

🧠 Trust and relationship between the vendor and the customer are essential for successful AI implementation and pricing transparency.

🧠 Cutting through marketing jargon and focusing on tangible results will drive technology forward and increase adoption.

The evolution of CRM involves the use of artificial intelligence to revolutionize the way businesses manage their customer relationships, with a focus on maintaining quality customer interactions and trust in AI implementation.

00:00 📈 The evolution of CRM includes the rise of no-code platforms and AI integration, with a side note about the speaker's love for good coffee at conferences.
05:20 📈 Businesses are using AI and no-code tools to lower costs in CRM, but transparency and cost analysis are crucial, especially with CFOs involved in purchasing decisions.
09:47 🤖 Implementing AI in CRM requires careful consideration of cost, scalability, and training time, starting small and testing in sales, marketing, and service before full deployment.
14:46 🤖 CRM technology should prioritize maintaining customer interactions while using AI to improve productivity, with vendors like Zendesk, Zoho, Oracle, SAP, Salesforce, and Creatio offering unique AI approaches and pricing strategies.
20:37 🚀 Latin America is embracing AI in CRM by 2027, with a focus on no-code platforms, autonomy for customers, and the integration of AI and data solutions for effective data orchestration and quality in CRM systems.
30:47 📈 AI and platforms are crucial for clean and accessible data in CRM, but user adoption and proper data integration are essential for successful implementation.
35:58 🚀 Companies and vendors are collaborating to implement AI in CRM, focusing on building trust and relationships, while the future involves AI, no-code platforms, and cutting through marketing jargon for tangible results.
41:25 🎙️ Discussing coffee and conferences, available on various podcast platforms.